Sunday, December 09, 2007

December 9.

Nathaniel yesterday - with hair, in the car, and today - sans hair, with various hats. So precious. If anything resonates for me this time of year it is the tremendous gift my children are to me. I can't imagine my world without them. There are certainly tough days, when I feel exhausted and pulled from all sides. But there are other days when the emotions refuse words they are so strong. Anna is so beautiful and clever, and thriving in college. Alice is so quietly brilliant, creative and easy going. Jack is so creative, so verbal. Yesterday they spent some time in their room and came out having designed wings from tinkertoys that actually moved when they moved their arms. And Nathaniel is doing so well, he seems so much more comfortable in the world. He loves school, and today he ate a whole apple - a strange highlight I guess, but significant for us. I am so grateful for this time in my life - when I get to be their mom. Peace. Susan

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